
Stephen King Horror-Thon: Cat’s Eye (1985)

Stephen King's extensive bibliography of short stories is a goldmine for potential horror anthology films. So it should come as no surprise that 11...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Children of the Corn (1984)

In case Stephen King didn't make it clear with Carrie, the Maine-based author doesn't care much for small-town religious fundamentalism. With the release of...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Christine (1983)

She's the Devil Incarnate. She's Christine. Body by Plymouth. Soul by Satan. You can't beat that tag line. I mean... come on. Released in 1983, the...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: The Dead Zone (1983)

1983 saw the release of three different Stephen King cinematic adaptations. Sandwiched between one movie about a rampaging killer St. Bernard dog and another...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Cujo (1983)

By 1983, Stephen King film adaptations covered a coming-of-age revenge story (Carrie), a psychological haunted house/possession story (The Shining), and campy horror anthology (Creepshow)....

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Creepshow (1982)

In retrospect, Creepshow seems like a collaborative project that almost seems too good to be true. Two kings of horror, George A Romero and...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: The Shining (1980)

Few Stephen King films on this list are so divisive among Stephen King die-hards. While the Stanley Kubrick-directed psychological horror adaptation of Stephen King's...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Salem’s Lot (1979)

What would happen if Stephen King had written Dracula? It'd probably look a lot like Salem's Lot. Following the massive success of Stephen King's...

Stephen King Horror-Thon: Carrie (1976)

They're all gonna laugh at you! We're kicking off the Stephen King Horror-thon with the horror author's first and arguably most unsettling and resonant adaptations...

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